Jealousy is one of the most destructive and painful emotions in a dating relationship or marriage. A jealous dater can think and do some wacky things he or she would not normally think of doing. That’s why overcoming jealousy when it crops up is so important.
Among Christian single couples, jealousy affects both traditional dating and courtship love relationships.
The problem with jealousy is that there are several kinds, which can get a little confusing. For example, there is God’s jealousy (Exodus 20:5), which is always holy, just, and desirous of others’ wellbeing.
Then there is human jealousy, which often ends with disasterous results. Solomon writes of this kind in Song of Songs: “Jealousy is as cruel as the grave” (Sgs 8:6).
As sinners, we all need to learn how to cope with the human kind of jealousy, whether we experience it in our own hearts, or have others being jealous of us.
Most singles are able to control acting out their jealous impulses. However for others, overcoming jealousy is almost impossible without God’s help. This form of jealousy is pathological, and could lead to the crimes of passion we often read about in the newspapers, or see in movies.
As a single Christian seeking true love in a relationship, it’s very important for your own dating safety to know some “red flag” signs of a pathologically jealous person.
Red Flags of Jealousy Out of Control
-The dating or courtship partner continually accuses the other of being unfaithful when there is no basis for him or her to think this way.
-The jealous person checks phone bills, emails or the cell phone directory to check the partner’s records of communication. They may even forbid their romantic partner to speak with certain members of the opposite sex.
-The jealous dating partner forbids (ie: orders) the other single dater to wear certain things in public.
-The person with jealousy issues may go through the personal belongings of the other party looking for “evidence” of unfaithfulness
-The person with out-of-control jealousy may follow, or have one of their friends follow the other person to make sure they are being faithful. In extreme cases they may even ‘bug” the home using electronic equipment.
-The jealous party will keep tabs on their date by calling them constantly throughout the day. -They may give an excuse (”I just missed you”) as to why they are calling so frequently, but in fact are distrustful of them.
-The jealous person may want to be with the other person 24/7, and if the other single resists, there may be a physcial or emotional outburst.
-The jealous dating partner forces the other to give account of all their free time away from them.
-The person with pathological jealousy may threaten to do physical harm to themselves or to their dating partner.
If you are a single Christian in any kind dating relationship where one or more of the above jealousy red flags exist, we recommend:
-Lovingly communicating to your friend that they need professional help.
-Consider getting out of the relationship as soon as you can to ensure your own safety. While you may be tempted to stay in an effort to change them, or because the jealous partner may make an emotional promise of change, please don’t give in.
Overcoming Jealousy
Overcoming jealousy will be easier if you understand its origin. Ask yourself: “Do my feelings have a basis in fact (the behavior of the dating partner), or are they coming from my own insecurity?”
If there is actually something the other party is doing that is inciting you to be jealous, have a heart to heart discussion with them. Often, an honest exchange of feelings will solve the problem.
Understand that your jealous behavior may actually drive away your date, the very thing you feared might happen.
well I have to admit that I am a jealous person. I dont do well with rejection. I hate feeling second to anyone/thing...
but Im not crazy though :)
Reason why I am that way sometimes is because what happened in the past. It takes time to trust all over again. Lol, I know your not crazy...maybe crazy in love, lol!
Well, well, we all get jealous don't we but really i try to fight it daily. Its not easy gurl! With prayers i feel dey will sha.
@Mike, I know it's not easy. The secret is having confidence in God, knowing who you are and Who's you are. I lie not, get that embeded in you and things/people or whatever won't move u much to jealously.
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